Wednesday, August 20, 2008


now, this blog is REALLY dying- no- we cant lose another one... (sigh)!!

Let me get straight to the piont:
We cant just miss TEVA, we have to LIVE TEVA.

When u daven:

remember how we'd daven together (or more like to ourselves, but in the same place) and where... like- shachris on the bus, or shacharis overlooking the grand canyon. kabbolos shabbos @the bar in Cortez, colorado. davening in shul in Iowa. mincha @ Mt. Rushmore (and how everyone wouldve rather gone to the giftshop/? ;)---->quite common!!), and think of all those places where our davening really revealed the sparks- (for any snags reading this, refer to!!!

When u eat:

REmember all that FOOD (oatmeal, kasha, cocoa, cereal, noodles and cheese, hotdogs, tires, salad with cabbage, meatballs, wraps, chinese won ton, chicken soup. - OH! i almost forgot- the after-fast-food {not fast food- chas v'sholom} : salad- melted cheese potato, fresh rolls- YuM!!! cake, rugelach, fish, soup, ---> outta this world!! )!

and dont forget to "RUN, RUN< color="#ff0000" size="5">GO HOGGERS ! WE ROCK!!'

when u farbreng:

remember to sing TZAMA L'CHA... especially rosie and mishy! and to all u snags, remember to teach aniggun or 2 that u learned by ur nxt kumzitz ;) and those songs.................................................. oy yoy yoy yoy, dai dittiday, ...........achienu kol beis yisroel, esah anai... wow- were REALLY snaggin

when u schlep:

ok- lets face it, i bet none of us schlepped more in our lives then we did on TEva... duffells, ovens, food, WATER, grates, tents.... we really did it, personally, i think i lost more weight schleeping than hiking... - but DONT tell chayale...

When u use the "ladies room":

remember all those places we "made" in, to put it bluntly. ok... we didnt exactly have to use a hole in the ground, and some of the bathrooms were pretty decent ( like the JCC for example), and u know, i must admit, that even the tiolet without a flush in Mesa Verde, Colorado, wasnt that bad. u can dissaree, i just need proof with feedback. ;-)

When u eat ur shabboss meal:

dont forget shabbos at the bar-(would we ever!!) !!!!


shabbos at the shliach- THE BOMB!!- and mishy's and barfy's speech- and mivtzoyim- and how we got kicked out... and

TV disscussion with the RABBI>


and last but not least... shabbos in iowa!!
haunted house, rubashkin's house , couples house, Gurary's house- and those beer bottles!

runnin away from mexicans!!

When u sleep:

while u enjoy the cozy feeling of being in a BED in a sea of fluffy down blankets, remember sleepng in filthy tents, or under thwe stars. ZIon, grand canyon, bryce, motel, shliach, beer country (boys camp), mesa verde, badlands- what was the parks name again?>?- The tetons,!!

i'd give up my bed to have any of it now...

Now, close your eyes and go back to those moments- filled with fun and jubilations, remember the happy times, remember the sad... think... think... think...




Sara Hecht said...

oh god...........
someones needs a bed!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol u r rly funny.. and bored!! but ye its fun 2 read :)

shterny levitin said...

hu is this?

chaya bron said...

its barfy !
hey u ! u that bored to write this whol ething !? lol ! so ill b keepin a good eye 4 u ! lol! jk! i luv ya !

chaya bron said...

its barfy !
hey u ! u that bored to write this whol ething !? lol ! so ill b keepin a good eye 4 u ! lol! jk! i luv ya !

Anonymous said...

btw chaya- remember toi read it especially where it says SNAG lol :P

cmbc said...

ok guyz-- its me, barfy!!
the reason why im not using that name is b/c if i did u would think that i promote it. - to chaya:

u were sleepin when i wrote it- and where r u now/?
are u watchin me from some hiddenpeephole- cuz im kinda seachin for ya right now - dont tell me ur by karp- lo l