Friday, August 22, 2008


im sure everyone did... well i shudent be so csure.. but ye!! K so i am back from costa rica and im soo mad cuz i didnt wanna leave!! excpet our driver was tryign to get rid of us erly :P jkk anyways iut was a blastt and ill email u guys pics soon-o and  to whoever posts thanxx aton cuz now i have something to do on this boring summre rday :P o and most important of all i am having a rlyy big crisis cuz i got my uniforms today and i look like the biggest GEEK of all times and i wanna cry!! maybe i shud join u chaya :P ye sry i just had to let that out ooooooooooooooohh and BTW costa rica remindid me so much of teva, we did white water rafting.. o anddd i told my father about all our "teva moments" b4 we left to CR and wherever we went he was like llooook chana a teva moment it was soo anoying but i kinda got the hang of it after a while lol. k i gtg but ttyl!! K.I.T!!! mwazzzzzzzzzzz
p.s. yasher koach to anyone who came this far and didnt fall asleep while reading this!! :P :D


chaya bron said...

u know what of e/o else went this far to read mine and then come to urs i can do the same !!!!!! im so jeolous u sound like u hasd a blast !!!! K WERE MAKIN A RUNION IN COSTA RICO !!!! AWESOME !

Anonymous said...

sure!!!!! im trying to convince my mother to make a camp there!! she sed shes thinkking i dunno but if she did that wud be a blasttttttt anywaysss gtg ttyl

cmbc said...

tell her- that if she makes it- im DEFINATELY gonna go!!
she betta!!

oh- and BTW- i like ur new lingo! Yasher koach!!
ur makin me proud!!

Anonymous said...

looooooooooooool kk anything 4 u :P